Registration and Networking

Strengthening our Capacity to Adapt to a Changing Climate
There is a need to develop a strategic response to climate change through a variety of mechanisms suited to our national circumstances. These include national adaptation strategies and local-level initiatives, such as adaptation plans. The challenge is to translate planning into successful implementation, building on examples of good practices that have emerged to build resilience to flooding, housing, utilities infrastructure, as well as building our energy and power resilience for the future.
Host:Dave Richards, Pro-Vice Chancellor, University of Hull
Speakers / Panellists:
Dr Mark Fletcher, Arup Fellow, Director and Global Water Business Leader
Nevil Muncaster, Chief Strategy and Regulation Officer, Yorkshire Water
Jo Barnes, Director, Yorkshire Energy Park
David Gent, CEO, Active Humber

Exhibition time with Live Chat
Business delegates can engage with circa 30 exhibitors from around the region to learn about decarbonisation projects and top tips, and Student delegates can hear about opportunities and career pathways in sustainability.

Earth 2050 & The Culture of Climate Change Debate
Winners of the Earth2050 art competition will be announced live by Emma Hardy.
Join us for the culture debate as we explore the effect climate change is having on our region, and how changing behaviours and influencing beliefs can be achieved through culture. We all have a part to play in the Humber’s journey to a net-zero carbon future. Everyone’s actions can make a real difference in this journey and there are lots of exciting community activities and projects you can be involved in. Will you play your part?
Host: Joe Hakim, Culture Night Presenter
Speakers / Panellists:
Emma Hardy, MP Hull West & Hessle, Shadow Minister for Further Education, Higher Education, Apprenticeships & Skills
Dr Briony McDonagh, Reader in Historical Geography, Risky Cities Project
Dr Christina Roggatz, Research Fellow, E&EI & Scientific Advisor, The Deep
Kelly Stanford, Artist & Science Communicator
Anthony Gill, Cycling Delivery Manager, Yorkshire Region, British Cycling

Exhibition time with Live Chat
Business delegates can engage with circa 30 exhibitors from around the region to learn about decarbonisation projects and top tips, and Student delegates can hear about opportunities and career pathways in sustainability.

Aura - Adapting and Collaborating in the Humber for a Sustainable Future – Green Innovation Transformation in Practice, delivered by Louise Smith, Director, Aura
The ability to innovate and adapt has never been more important as we seek to build a Net-Zero region to adapt to climate change. The current disruption has given business the opportunity to come up with innovative solutions to build a greener future. In this session we will be celebrating how Humber businesses have been collaborating with Aura and our sister brands to turn their innovative solutions into a reality.
NB The Exhibition runs all day from 9am-5pm, with two live chat periods as indicated above.